Wednesday, February 28, 2018


It is understandable that the foods we were raised on remain our comfort foods, our all time favorites.  Bread pudding is that for me.  Although I frequently order it for dessert in restaurants, I am also routinely disappointed.  Typically the pudding is too bready or too sweet.  My mother's recipe for bread pudding results in a creamy, smooth custard, and just the perfect amount of sweet.  It is wonderful!  Today I share this recipe with you, and I hope that somewhere along the line a chef picks up the recipe and gives it a try.  It is quite a contrast to restaurant "bread pudding."

Butter a casserole/souffle dish.  Preheat oven to 350º.  In a large bowl whisk together:
*  6 eggs, large
*  ½  cup sugar
* ¼ teaspoon salt
Scald: 4 cups whole milk (or a mix including ½&½); 
Add:  1½ teaspoons vanilla (plus optional:  ½ teaspoon cardamom)
Then whisk it into the egg mixture.  
*  4 cups of cubed bread*
*  ½ cup raisins/currents (optional)
Let rest a few minutes in order for the bread to soak up the egg mixture.  Pour all into the prepared casserole dish.  Sprinkle top with cinnamon.

Set casserole dish in a bain marie** and bake at 350º for about an hour, until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.

Refrigerate as soon as possible to avoid separation of the custard.

*  Throughout the year I dry out left over bread and save it in a metal tin.  That way, I always have what I need to make croutons, dressing/stuffing, bread crumbs for coating fish, and for bread pudding.  Of course, having fresh left over bread is a good excuse to make bread pudding!

**  bain-ma·rie
  1. a container holding hot water into which a pan is placed for slow cooking

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