Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Time was running out for me to use my Groupon to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.  I had all summer to use the Groupon and now, at the end of the summer, with so many things already done for the season, I finally found time to make the trip.  Was I in for a surprise!  There was so much in bloom and so much to see.

The roots of the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum began in 1908 when the Horticultural Research Center (HRC) began developing apple varieties that could survive in Minnesota's cold winter temperatures.  Over time, HRC developed over 150 fruit and plant introductions including Haraldson and Honeycrisp apples, and the Frontenac wine grape.  In 1958, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum was officially founded.  On its 1,100-plus acres are spectacular display gardens and plant collections.  Everything is labeled and, if you're a gardener, you will invariably find new plants that you'll want to grow in your garden.  I found an especially long-blooming daylily, 'Sandra Elizabeth', an attractive hosta, 'Abba Dabba Do,'  and a number of herbs to inter plant in my perennial beds.

A labyrinth just off the Visitors' Center
A path through the Annual Garden.

 Gardens of evergreens, including dwarf Conifers.

Rose garden.

This lovely plant is Abelmoschus esculentus 'Jing Orange' Okra.   Yes, this beautiful plant produces edible okra.

In the Japanese Garden.

In the Conservatory.
 Sculpture Garden.
 Sculpture Garden.
Highbush Cranberry.   What a spectacular shrub!
Woodland wildflower gardens.
A pretty little garden amongst the many.  This walking path doesn't lead anywhere, but it looks like it does!


  1. Beautiful!!! I'm glad there was still a lot to see.

  2. I had a fabulous time! I'm so glad you included the photo of the okra as I want to try that in next year's garden.
