Monday, May 16, 2011


A real friend knows you are a good egg even if you are a little cracked!

Yesterday, I noticed something large moving in my garden. It was big and brown and, upon investigation, it turned out to be a wild turkey. Wild turkeys - many, many wild turkeys - have resided in Sunfish Lake and surrounding communities for as long as we’re lived here. In fact, I once counted 19 parading through my garden!

Well, I really don’t like large critters in my garden so I went out to shoo it away. Despite my loud noises, and despite how close I got to the turkey, it was definitely NOT budging. I returned to the house and went on about my day. Later, I went out to investigate, and here is what I found!

Okay, they weren’t in the egg carton but there were six large turkey eggs! Not knowing what to do with them I asked our friends Diane and Dale if they knew anything about turkey eggs. Here’s what they learned from their farming friends:

“Yes you can eat the turkey eggs just like you can eat duck and goose eggs. All 3 of those are a bit rubbery compared to chicken eggs. Since it takes about 25 days for the eggs to hatch, they're probably very safe yet at this time. If you crack it open and there's a spot of blood on the yolk, you can remove the blood and still use the egg.”

I suppose I could have left the eggs in the garden to see if they would hatch into six little turkeys to add to the huge number already in residence. However, in the interest of culinary science, the following photos show what I decided to do with the eggs:

To summarize, I found that the eggs were larger than extra-large chicken eggs found in stores, with especially large yolks. They fried up just like chicken eggs and, for me, had the same taste, except that because of the large yolk, the egg tasted much “richer” than chicken eggs.

Let me know if you want to come on over for breakfast!

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