Monday, August 2, 2010


I'm just back from Alaska where Kevin and I met up with Ryan in Anchorage, then drove north to Denali/Mt. McKinley, then southeast to Girdwood, south to Seward, then a return to Anchorage for the flight home.  July is Alaska's warmest month of the year with an average high of 65ยบ and 20 hours of daylight.  The combination makes for incredible, huge flowers/vegies and a great time to hike the mountains.  Without going into a lot of detail I will simply show you some of our pics. 

We took a day cruise in Prince William Sound to see the glaciers. It is sad to say, they are receding rapidly.

Note the ice that has calved from the glacier.  The sea otters are darling!

Ryan and me.

A small garden in Alaska's Botanical Garden in Anchorage.
Blue Poppy.

The pink flowers below are wildflowers called "Fireweed."  They were in full bloom and were spectacular!
More wildflowers.
Kevin and Ryan enjoying the view.

 This was one view of Denali/Mt. McKinley with clouds.  Fortunately, as we got closer to the mountain the clouds cleared and we got a fantastic view!

This shot of Denali isn't nearly as good as the one taken by Ansel Adams.

Dahl sheep.

In Girdwood, Kevin and Ryan climbed the mountain and I took the Alyeska Tram and waited for them at the mountain-top restaurant called Seven Glaciers.  We then enjoyed our "happy hour." 

Crostini with beef and truffle.

Seafood crepe.
Crab cakes.

Yes.  There was a fence between us.

 Ryan at Exit Glacier outside Seward.   This was 2/3 of the way up the mountain.  We had a picnic; Ryan continued on to the snow-covered top while Kevin and I climbed down.  On our way we had an encounter with a black bear on the trail.  We made lots of noise, he lumbered off the trail, and we now have another bear story to add to our others.

 Nenana River below our cabin in Denali with Ryan's rock sculpture on the beach.

The next day we went rafting on this river. 

 What an animal!

Roasted salmon.  I ate delicious fresh seafood every day.
 Rabbit Three Ways for Ryan. 
 Scallops for Kevin.
 Mother Nature's Composition.


  1. Awesome pictures. What a great trip!

  2. This looks like a fantastic trip! Lovely pictures of the three of you, the scenery, the animals, AND the food! Wow! :)

  3. Adina, I love your photos and comments! You certainly had some elegant meals; your photos made me long to be at your table. You've probably been closer to a bear than Gary and I and we've been in Alaska for more than 3 years now. You would enjoy the wildflowers and wonderful trails here in Unalaska. It's blueberry season and I'm addicted to picking them...Debra in Unalaska/port of Dutch Harbor
